Friday, March 30, 2012

Can you relax your hair before you put in hair extensions?...Is Remi extensions good?

Yes you can relax your hair before you put in hair extensions. Remi is the best! The cuticle of the hair lays in the same direction as your hair, so you cannot tell they are hair extensions! I wear them all the time! I wouldnt do both procedures in the same day. Maybe do the relaxer one day and do a few deep conditioning treatments and then put the extensions in and I would fuse them in not sew them in, its not as hard to get them out and it wont damage your hair. They are kind of high maintence, I use Paul Mitchell gloss drops to keep the frizz down and a natural boare bristle brush to brush them. I also try to wash my hair every third day, maybe the first day do round brushing, the second day straighten them and then the third day wear it curly and then wash it. Its hard to train your scalp to do this if you are used to washing your hair everyday. And when you wash your hair use circular motions on your scalp, dont rake your fingers bc you will just create a big mess. Hope this helps! You will love them!

Can you relax your hair before you put in hair extensions?...Is Remi extensions good?

if you have afro carribean hair i would not recommend you brading or bonding your hair straight after relaxing it as this can cause breakage because it is to much stress on the hair- try waitin a few weeks until u get a little bit of regrowth and try not 2 braid 2 tightly hope this helps

Can you relax your hair before you put in hair extensions?...Is Remi extensions good?

From my experience its best to wait a week to at least a month no matter what type of perm you Even if you have thick hair (like me) its still delicate twist and pulls or glue( if you using it) I hear Remi good, I used Bohamin or Outro

Can you relax your hair before you put in hair extensions?...Is Remi extensions good?

I would say yes only cause I have done it befor it makes the style last longer only thing id you need to wait at least a wek before putting the briads in cause if you put them in right away you could break some of your hair off cause your hair is so straight after a relaxer

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