Saturday, May 5, 2012

When you take out hair extensions, how damaged is your hair? What are usual prices for extensions?

Hey, What up?,

It depends first on who's doing it, if they know what they're doing and how you care for your hair the duration of the desired style. It also depends on the condition your hair was in before the extentions. To get to your answer, How damaged is your hair? It depends on the individual. Extensions grow your hair because your hair is not being teased, combed, brushed, curled, hot combed, blow dryed. It's just natural. My advice to you is if you wear them, don't relax or perm hair first.

Hair grows better and faster natural with no chemicals. The price would depend on how long your natural hair is and what kind of braids you want. There's french braids, dooky braids, pop corn braids, micro braids, single braids, zig zag, anyway you want it. If you really want to know, email me and I'll give you an answer but I need to know wht you're seeking? I hope I helped you.

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