Friday, April 20, 2012

Hair Extensions......?

Can anyone tell me how long your hair has to be before you can have extensions put in?

Hair Extensions......?

As long as its not bald :) .

Hair Extensions......?

I don't think it really matters, just not too short or bald....LOL^_^

Hair Extensions......?

The perfect length is just above shoulder length. I had them done in April and they were a flipping nightmare to look after. I lasted two weeks with them. Cost me 鎷?50. Your better off just letting your hair grow.

Hair Extensions......?

as i myself have hair extensions you can have them in at any length

but if your hairs like Britney spears you wont be able to have them the shortest is ear length

Hair Extensions......?

enough to cover about a 6 cm clip

but if u want glued in ones it doesnt matter

i have hair extensions and i put them on my dad as a laugh lol and they worked his hair is like realy short to

Hair Extensions......?

As long as you have some hair on your head, yoyu can have extensions. That's why they're called extension they extend the length of your existing hair length. As short as short can be love.

Hair Extensions......?

You could get hair exsections it doesn't madder

Hair Extensions......?

3-4 inches long from the scalp..?

dunno, but that should be okay. =]

Hair Extensions......?

Id say from your shoulders down at least no shorter? Why dont you get clip in ones they are much nicer as apparently you cant coniditon your extensions once their in? That wouldnt be good as they'd look notty and straw like. They ruin your hair anyway and can get bald patches but its up2 u really.

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