Friday, April 20, 2012

Hair extensions in edinburgh?

summer is here and i really want to get hair extensions with some money i have. where can i get it done and do you have any idea how much it would cost? If there is a web site please give me a link

Hair extensions in edinburgh?

There's a place called A%26amp;A studios, 8-10 Tanfield, Inverleith, Edinburgh, EH3 5HF Tel: 0131 556 7057, that was recommended in a past Yahoo! Answer. The person said they were very knowledgable, and reasonably priced. They will do a consultation, and try to match your hair as well as they can. I've linked their website below, they even have a map.

Here in America extensions usually cost about 200 or 300 dollars, I've no idea what they might be in Scotland. Hope they can help you! Good luck!

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